June 2013 Playlist

What better way to get through the week than with a new playlist? Am I right? So if you follow me on either Twitter or Tumblr you'll know that I'm a huge Sofia Coppola fan. I've been a fan of her work for a good couple of years now, so you can imagine how excited I was when The Bling Ring came out. To commemorate the release of her fifth film I've decided to turn June's playlist into a Sofia Coppola playlist!

In case you're not a Sofia Coppola fangirl like I am I'll tell you which songs belong to which film.
Tracks 1, 2, and 16 are from The Virgin Suicides
Tracks 3-6 are from Lost in Translation
Tracks 6-9 are from Marie Antoinette
Tracks 10-13 are from Somewhere
Tracks 13-15 are from The Bling Ring

If you're a Sofia Coppola fan, let me know what your favorite film is! Mine is Lost in Translation. If you're not a Sofia Coppola fan, let me know what your favorite movie soundtrack is.

Hope you have a great day and happy listening!

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