Growing Out My Pixie Cut- Month 5

Growing Out My Pixie Cut
First let me start off with the most obvious thing- yes, the blog got a complete makeover. I'm no HTML wizard so I finally gave in and bought a blogger template yesterday. I spent the majority of the day tweaking the blog and also coming up with new banners for everything from Twitter to YouTube. I'm still going to be working on the blog, but so far I'm in love with the way it looks. As for my hair, it's been five months since I decided to grow my pixie cut out. My hair has been the curliest it's ever been in my life so I've started to incorporate some new hair products into my hair routine. If you want to hear more about how my hair is doing just keep on reading.

Growing Out A Pixie Cut
Growing Out A Pixie Cut
Growing Out My Pixie Cut
Here is month 4 and 5 side by side. My hair looks just as curly but just a little more voluminous than last month. Seeing the pictures side by side is making me want to get a haircut because I hadn't noticed that my hair is a little on the fluffy side. Apart from that you can see some growth in the back area and the sides.
Growing Out A Pixie Cut
Here is month 1 and month 5. It honestly trips me out a little to see how much my hair has grown in such a short time.
Thank you so much for watching the thth update in this "growing out my pixie" series.

If you're growing out your pixie let me know how things are going for you! I'd love to know.

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