Outtakes #2

Outtakes #2
You know what time it is? It's time for me to show you all the bad, blurry, and derp pictures that have been taken during OOTD posts and YouTube thumbnails. I have a whole folder in my computer dedicated to these pictures because I think that they deserve to be seen (plus I really want to laugh at myself too). It seems like you guys really enjoyed my last outtakes post so I had to do it all over again! The very first picture was taken in February when I did my 1940's makeup tutorial. Bowie was too small to be left alone at the time so he was sleeping in my room while I recorded my video. Once I got around to take the thumbnails, I wanted to take a few cute pictures with him and caught him yawning in my ear. And this is only the first derp picture in this post!

Outtakes #2
This was taken while I filmed my first video on my new DSLR camera. The lighting was horrible and filming with a 50mm f/1.8 lens inside my tiny room proved to be very challenging. The result? A very blurry picture and glare on my glasses that make me look like I have laser eyes.
Outtakes #2
When you don't have a mirror then you have to pull out your phone! I'm definitely guilty of always having my phone on selfie mode.
Outtakes #2
Outtakes #2
These are the type of pictures that look like I'm awkwardly dancing, which is not too far from the truth. I cannot dance to save my life! I am by far one of the stiffest and most uncoordinated Mexicans ever.
Outtakes #2
Outtakes #2
Before I film I often take pictures holding these three cards, this is how I set a custom white balance on my camera. I often make dumb faces when I take these because all I need is for the camera to know "yo, these are the true colors of these three cards!"
Outtakes #2
The face, the eyes, the upside down box... there are so many derp things going on in this picture. Let's just focus on the face though, it's a pretty damn impressive derp face.
Outtakes #2
¬_¬ Side eye or derp face?
Outtakes #2
Note to self: Never buy a black wig from Walmart because it WILL make you look like the girl in The Ring. The extremely pale skin and dark eyes don't help either.
Outtakes #2
This particular picture will haunt me till I die. I belong in a horror film about clowns and I'm freaking terrified of clowns. Note to self: There is a thing as being over-enthusiastic in thumbnail pictures.
Outtakes #2
This one I would like to call "I didn't sit down before the self timer went off." It tends to happen from time to time because I'm a derp. What else can I say? You're following a very silly, clumsy, and overall derpy girl.
Outtakes #2
Even my boyfriend gets in on the derp action! Before he takes my outfit pictures I have him pose while I adjust all the manual settings in my camera. As you can tell, he really enjoys being in front of the camera.

And that's it for this post! If you want more silly pictures just follow me on Snapchat (@lauraneuzeth), that's where I unleash my weird personality.

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