Warby Parker | Japhy Revolver Black Crystal

The end is finally here! You've made it through 10 Warby Parker frames and 20 pictures of myself wearing this striped Zara shirt. Now that's a lot of stripes...

The last frames in this Warby Parker series are the Japhy! These are bigger than the Sibley frames so those with big eyes, the Japhy frames are going to work amazing on you! My second pair of glasses were actually very similar to these, expect they had gold detailing. These glasses will look great on people who have a round, oval, or heart shaped face since they are quite rectangular. Also since they are quite wide, I found that the frames didn't obstruct my view whatsoever which can sometimes be a problem with the smaller frames.

And that's it for the Warby Parker frames! Thanks for sticking around to seeing a total of 10 frames in 10 weeks. If you have any questions about Warby Parker please let me know.
The Japhy frames retail for $95.

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