Warby Parker | Percey Charcoal Fade

Warby Parker Percey Charcoal Fade
Here is the last Warby Parker blog post of the sunglasses series! If you're new to my blog, I've taken various pictures of me wearing Warby Parker frames in the past so people can have an easier time choosing a frame to purchase or add to their home try-on box. You can check out all the blog posts here. In this Warby Parker post I'll be talking about the modern take on round glasses, the Percy frames!

Warby Parker Percey
Warby Parker Percey Charcoal Fade
The Percey are very round and small glasses. I think their shape is quite classic and minimal so it's perfect for an effortless look. Despite the fact that I loved these glasses online, in person these were my least favorite. I have a pretty big head so these glasses felt incredibly uncomfortable. I also found that the lens themselves were too small for me as well and they would block my peripheral vision. I think these glasses would fit the best on small and angular faces. If you have round features and a large head then stay far away from these glasses.
Warby Parker Percey Charcoal Fade
The Percey frames retail for $95 without a prescription, $150 with prescription, and $350 for progressive.

Thank you so much for sticking around for another Warby Parker series! I hope to have another one in the future.

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