I may still be under the weather and voiceless but that doesn't mean that I can't blog! In fact that's one of the few things I can do apart from taking medicine and sleeping. I had a blast at Lucky Fabb this past weekend and got to learn a lot of things during the different sessions. While I mostly hung out with my San Diego Style Bloggers crew, I did get to meet other bloggers from the state of California and even out of state. It was really cool to just observe other people's style and get inspired by them. There was also another pixie cut girl who looked effortlessly cool à la Tilda Swinton. If you want to watch the vlogs or gain some knowledge about blogging then just keep reading.
The first session was called "Next Level Tech" and in that session we learned about new and existing technologies that can benefit our blogs or online shops. Use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to get feedback from your readers. As much fun as new social media platforms can be, you also have to pay attention to old technology such as the trusty email newsletter to engage with your blog readers. Another thing we learned was that you don't want to become a people pleaser, your blog is entirely yours. If your readers want you to start dressing more girly but that's not your style then don't give into the pressure, be true to yourself.
In the second panel Nasty Gal CEO Sophia Amoruso shared her story about how she started with a simple eBay store and then it developed into one of the most beloved online stores for young and fun women. I personally found this session very motivational because she spoke about not giving up on your dreams, even if your family doesn't approve. I really related to that since I come from a very strict Mexican family and let's just say that blogging isn't considered a career option for them. She also stressed that you want to surround yourself with positive but realistic people, which is something that I'm practicing at the moment.
After an inspiration session we were greeted by a purple haired Nicole Richie. As much as I enjoyed seeing her in person her talk was pretty boring. It almost felt like something that you would see in Good Morning America since she mostly talked about her children and garden. Don't get me wrong, it was cool but just nothing that would really benefit me as a blogger. The only things that stuck out were: blogging is not a 9to5 job, as women we have to support each other, and be yourself.
After that we were separated into different sessions and my first session was the "grow your traffic/SEO checklist" session. In that session we learned about what you can do in order for your blog to appear on the first page of a Google search. To put things in simple terms you want to make sure to deliver good content, add keywords to your title and pictures "alt text," and making sure that your content is easy to share. It was a very technical and felt a bit rushed, but I still managed to get a lot from it.
Next up was the Covergirl and P&G session that I was really excited about at first until I realized that all the celebrity makeup artist was doing was creating an hour long Covergirl commercial. This was by far the most disappointing session because all the "insider tips" were things I've known for years thanks to watching normal girls apply makeup to themselves on YouTube. So much for having a celebrity makeup artist...
By far the most helpful session was the "how to take the best videos" with missglamorazzi herself! She is incredibly lovely and acts exactly like how she does in her videos. In this session we learned about the technical side of shooting a video from aperture, shutter speed, and lighting. We were also advised by her to have a conversation with our audience, ask them questions, and give something for your audience to talk about. Also build your credibility before working with brands because if your audience notices a lot of sponsored videos then they might turn their backs on you. When working with a brand remember that you're not making a commercial for them, you're simply integrating the products where it feels the most natural.
The most frank session was saved for last with style icon Coco Rocha. She was very honest about everything from not liking trends to hating selfies. She was also someone who I found very inspirational because she emphasized that we should speak up and stand for what's good because we do have this platform where people are tuning in to just hear what we have to say. She also reminded us to embrace our quirks and work together with other women. I've seen bloggers try to compete with other bloggers or compare themselves, but it's time for that to stop! We're women and we need to work together in order to help each other out!
I really hope you enjoyed my Lucky Fabb coverage and learned a thing or two if you're a blogger. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them down below. Unfortunately I'm still very sick and don't have much of a voice so at the moment I'm not sure when I'll be able to record the gift bag haul. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll happen soon because I'm getting real tired of not being able to speak.
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