Happy Thanksgiving! What better way to say thank you for your support than to show you all the wacky shots that sadly didn't make the cut- until now. Yes, the outtakes are back for round three and this time there's a whole lot of weird faces, dogs not cooperating, and awkward outfit of the day poses. Let me tell you, some bloggers may want you to think that they're incredibly photogenic and graced with the perfect poses but that's certainly not the case for me. So now that we have all the introductory stuff out of the way, let's move on to the outtakes!
Weird Faces
When I'm not looking like Jack White's lipstick loving sister, I'm deciding whether to smile or look serious in pictures. And if you ask me to style a specific item, you might get a few cheesy pictures that scream "Hey everyone, look at this watch!"
PS. What the hell is going on with the third picture? I'm so confused by my weird smile and creepy half shut eyes.
More Weird Faces
Did you think there would only be three weird faces in this post? If you did, then you thought very wrong! Jack White's sister made another appearance but this time she looks a bit pissed off. Then there's Bowie who apparently thought that my mascara tasted good. Taking a good picture with him has proven to be quite challenging, especially since he's always looking elsewhere or trying to lick my face. I'm also not sure about what's going on in the third picture again... do I ever know what's going on?
The Awkward Poses
Sometimes I just stand there very stiff with derp face, and other times I try my best to pose and end up looking a bit constipated. Then there's my best attempt at a "casually looking down" pose and I end up blocking my entire face with my hat. Good job, Laura!
I Don't Know How To Pose
"How do girly girls pose?" That's honestly what I asked myself before I had to take the pictures with the black skirt. In case you haven't noticed, I kind of suck at posing in a very feminine manner so the best I came up with was lifting my leg. Genius! You might be wondering what's going on in the third picture again, but this time I have the answer! I was sharing my "OOTD tips" over on Snapchat, so this was the face I made when I shared one of my groundbreaking tips.
Thanks Mom
Sometimes I get my pictures taken by other bloggers, then there's my trusty DSLR remote that allows me to take pictures on my own, and then there's my mom. My mom is somewhat technologically challenged so when you hand her a DSLR expect her to take a bunch of bad pictures. And that's exactly what happened when I asked her to help me out a few weeks ago. It's not easy to posing and paying attention to what my mom is taking a picture of, but somehow we made things work. Despite the overabundance of blurry and weird pictures, my mom was able to take a few good shots that ended up in this blog post.
Who Let the Dogs Out
Ever since I started incorporating my dogs into my blog I've accumulated so many funny pictures of them. Buster (my chow chow) is an extremely photogenic dog, so I don't have any bad pictures of him. I kind of wish he would speak so he could school me on how to be photogenic, but sadly he wants to keep his tips all to himself. Bowie and Francis on the other hand are not very photogenic. Bowie gets distracted with pretty much anything that moves, and Francis is pretty awkward like myself.
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
As much as I love the very stylized pictures, I can't help to unleash my goofy side once in awhile. When that happens I start showing off the most ridiculous poses in my book. There's the "I would like to introduce to" pose, the "I'm too busy snapping" pose, and the "look how much shorter I am" pose. I don't think you'll be seeing any of these poses in the latest issue of Vogue, but you'll definitely be seeing more of them on my blog.
I hope you all enjoyed this latest outtakes post! In case you want to see even more outtakes, then you can click right here. All goofiness aside, I am very thankful for all your constant support. Seeing your comments motivate me so much to keep dreaming big and working hard on my blog. I truly hope that you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving with your friends, family, and loved ones. And if you're anything like myself, make sure to wear your stretchiest clothes today to accommodate for your Thanksgiving food baby.
And once again... Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Grazie! (Those are all the languages I speak, but I think you get the point.)
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