As you may all know by now, I love painting my nails. My nail polish collection has everything from a glow-in-the-dark nail polish to the classic red polish. As much as I like to play around with bright colors and funky textures, there's just something about muted nail polish that I love. Muted nails match every outfit and make your nails look incredibly chic. I've always loved colors with a gray undertone but I have to say that they're not the easiest to find in the drugstore, until now.
Falling In Love With Cream Blush
There was once a time that I really disliked cream blush. I thought that I couldn't make them work with my very oily skin, but things have changed a lot recently. I've transformed myself from a cream blush hater to a full-fledged cream blush addict! As the air is becoming dryer and my skin isn't as oily, I've been turning to cream blush to add a natural flush of color to my cheeks. What changed my mind about cream blush? The application. I really did not know how to apply cream blushes before I discovered this magical tool, and the best thing is that the tool is only $3. In this blog post you'll discover some cream blush tips and some product recommendations. You never know, you might become a bonafide cream blush lover just like myself!
October 2014 Ipsy Bag
It's time for another Ipsy bag! This time I'm going to be showing you what I got in my October bag. This past month's theme was Beauty Candy so some of the items I received came in bright packaging or smelled like candy. This was my second Ipsy bag and by now I think I have a good idea of this service. Find out what I got and whether I'm still happy with Ipsy in my latest video!
October 2014 Playlist
This month's playlist is going to be unlike any other playlist so far. This will be the very first playlist that has very few words, or in other hand it's entirely composed of instrumentals. Sometimes songs don't need any words to convey emotions or story. Then there are other times that you just want to find the perfect soundtrack to your own movie- don't pretend like you've never imagined yourself as the star of your own movie when you listen to music. Whether you just want to relax or let your imagination go wild, this is the playlist for you.
Mona Lisa Makeup with Neutrogena
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by NEUTROGENA® I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. Some of the products mentioned were purchased by myself AND/OR some were provided by NEUTROGENA® for this post. 
Today's post is brought to you by Leonardo da Vinci and his masterpiece the Mona Lisa (La Gioconda). One of my favorite paintings of all time happens to be the Mona Lisa and I've been in love with the work of art ever since I can remember. I have always been so fascinated by the mysterious woman with the cherub face and the iconic faint smile, there's just something about the whole painting that really appeals to me. When I decided to take part in the #NeutrogenaFaceOff challenge I knew I had to do something different and I thought "this would be the perfect time to become the Mona Lisa." This particular makeup look does require a lot of makeup but one Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelette from Walmart is enough to remove everything from my face.Color Scheme | Plum
My first color scheme blog post went so well that I decided to do another one for you. This time around I'm going to be focusing on the color for fall- plum. When it comes to fall trends, plum is a color that comes back in style time and time again. By now it is a color that is attached to the fall season and with good reason, it is universally flattering. Just like the fruit, the colors that fall under plum range from dark to a very warm purple hue. I will be showing you blush, lip colors, eyeshadows, eyeliner, and a nail polish in this blog post. And just like in the peach blog post there's going to be something for everyone's budget. Let's now take a bite out of fall's juiciest color.
addictive cosmetics
color scheme
josie maran
wet n wild
Review | Maybelline Color Sensational Creamy Mattes Lip Color
I'll be the first to tell you that I haven't been much of a Maybelline lipstick fan. I've heard many bloggers talk and talk about them, and I would try them and instantly get disappointed. I never quite understood the hype around the lipsticks and the artificial Play-doh scent was a huge turn-off for me. When I first heard about the new Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lip Color I was certain that I wouldn't want to try them. I thought I was going to run into an OK lipstick with a horrible scent, but after hearing some of my favorite bloggers rave about these matte lipsticks I decided to give one shade a go and see if perhaps this would be the first time that I would enjoy a Maybelline lipstick.
Growing Out My Pixie Cut- Month 7
Say hello to month #7 in this "growing out my pixie cut" journey! My hair is officially wild and very long. I think it might have even surpassed my ideal hair length which is saying a lot. Everything looks much longer but it's in desperate need of a haircut. Hopefully next month you'll see me with a haircut and style, because at the moment I'm rocking about 3 different layers and some dry ends. I still can't believe that I've gone over 9 months without getting a haircut, I usually cut my hair once every 2-3 months. Check out what's been happening with my hair in my latest update.
Face of the Day | Plum Lips
You might be wondering "where were you last week?" If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter then you would that my MacBook Pro was acting up a lot. The trackpad began having problems on Monday and I couldn't do anything with my laptop because the cursor just wouldn't select anything. To top things off my card reader wouldn't let me import pictures, so as you can tell I had an very off week with technology. But being disconnected from the blogging and YouTube world worked wonders on me. For once, I was finally able to rest and think about some great ideas for upcoming posts and videos which has been really tough for me recently. I am happy to say that everything is back to normal with my laptop (thank you Apple!) and I got a new card reader which seems to be working great, so now I'm going to show you a face of the day which was meant to go up last week.
bh cosmetics
dr. brandt
face of the day
the body shop
wet n wild
Outtakes #1
You may think that bloggers are very fashionable, poised, knowledgeable, and well perfect... but I am certainly not. In case you don't know, I am someone that doesn't take herself very seriously. I love to be goofy and I'm definitely not embarrassed by dumb pictures or messing up on camera. After all I did make a Facebook album called "Ridiculous Face I Make While Filming" where I post the most derp-worthy screenshots. In this blog post you're going to see all the times that I was going for a good photo but failed hardcore.
5 E.L.F. Brushes That You Need In Your Life
When it comes to makeup brushes I think e.l.f. gets it right. They have a variety of face and eye brushes all which are cruelty-free and less than $5. I have more expensive brushes and I have to let you know that I tend to reach for my e.l.f. brushes more than my other brushes. I love the very unique brush shapes, how soft they are, and the fact that they're incredibly multitasking. Today I'm going to be sharing my top 5 brushes from e.l.f., but I can certainly do a video about all the other brushes I own because there's not one e.l.f. brush that I dislike.
Paul McCartney in San Diego
It's now been over a week since the magical Paul McCartney show and I'm still thinking about it nonstop. It had been over 30 years since the last time Paul performed in San Diego so as you can imagine it was a very special night for everyone there. As someone who has always traveled to see Paul McCartney it felt so incredibly nice to be seeing him in my hometown. I know this isn't beauty or fashion related whatsoever but I wanted to share some pictures I took from the concert, as well as the vlog. I really hope you enjoy my coverage of the Paul McCartney concert in San Diego.
My First Ipsy Bag
This post is going up extremely late but last week I was so busy with work that I didn't get the chance to upload this until now. I recently joined Ipsy after seeing so many videos and Instagram posts about it. I've had both good and bad experiences with subscription services in the past, but I wanted to give one of the most popular subscription services a shot. Ipsy is a company which was started by Michelle Phan and each month subscribers receive a bag with deluxe samples/full-sized items tailored to their needs and interests. The bag is only $10 a month so I said "why not?" In this video I'll be showing you what I got in my very first Ipsy bag.
September 2014 Favorites
annemarie börlind
bite beauty
eco tools
physicians formula
the body shop
yves rocher
Review | Hard Candy Fierce Effects
The other day when I went to Walmart I came across these brand new Fierce Effects eyeshadows from Hard Candy. These look a lot like the L'Oréal Infallible Eyeshadows which I adore, but the main difference is the price. While the L'Oréal option is affordable, Hard Candy beats it by offering 2 eyeshadows for only $5. With a deal like that I couldn't help but pick a duo up for me to test out and ultimately compare it to the L'Oréal Infallible Eyeshadows. Are the more affordable option better than my original love? You'll have to keep reading to find out.
Makeup Swap with Sarah S
I have another makeup swap to share with you! Today I have a UK-USA makeup swap with my friend Sarah who lives in England. I sent her some of my favorite drugstore makeup that she either can't get or is hard to find in England, and she sent me some British and European products that I can't find here. Not only was I super excited when I was opening the package but I went a little swatch crazy, so you'll have to go watch the video to find out what I got from Sarah.
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